This weather mobile collection is great for kids studying a weather unit – or if they just want to learn more!

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When we made a cloud mobile a few weeks ago as part of our week featuring the colour white, I just knew that it looked incomplete on its own. So we added a rainbow and sun mobile and made a weather mobile collection!
First of all, here’s the link to the cloud mobile.
I planned to make the rainbow mobile as a group project at a crafty playdate, but in the end only one child was interested. So this was made entirely by E (5yrs). I drew a rainbow outline onto a large piece of paper and provided E with tissue paper in the seven colours of the rainbow.
I spread glue onto the outer arch and showed her how to rip the red tissue paper, screw it up and stick it onto the glue.
She quickly got on with project and soon she was also doing the glue by herself. It looked beautiful!
To add stability I cut out the rainbow then glued some cereal box cardboard to the back of it, then added silver thread to hang it from.
Lastly for the sun mobile I used a yellow paper plate as a base and cut out lots of hand shapes using templates from me, my son, and my husband. I just happened to still have them from when I made the Family Hands Artwork a few months ago. You could use just your child(ren)’s hand outlines, or this would make a great class activity!
I’ll be honest though, cutting out all the hands was a *tiny* bit dull. Not as messy as getting painty handprints though. 😉 I used three different colours of construction paper which added some nice variety.
I turned the plate over and spread glue round the edge of the inner section. Then we placed the hand shapes all around the edge.
When the glue was dry I attached a loop of silver thread to the back and tried to resist drawing a smiley face on the paper plate!

I have all three mobiles hanging around the living room fireplace and it really brightens up the room!
[bctt tweet=”Kids will love making these weather mobile crafts!”]