Shaving foam painting was one of the first things I ever “pinned” – and I’ve waited a long time to try this art technique!
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To prepare for this activity, I sprayed some white shaving foam into a foil tray, then added a bit of blue and pink paint.
I gave F a freebie wooden chopstick so that he could swirl the paint around. Then I laid the paper over the top, lightly pressed down, then removed it. I used a plastic blade to wipe the foam off the paper and it left these pretty pictures!
I added some green paint and we repeated the process.
Then I added some orange paint!

We tried both paper and card, and the card worked best.
We did this activity again at a crafty playdate. Miss C (5 yrs) had a great time swirling her paint around in the shaving foam.
She produced some wonderful artwork from the prints!