These play dough birds are a fun fine motor skills activity that was super quick to put together – and I just love the results!
Welcome to the first Fine Motor Friday! A select group of five bloggers are each posting a fine motor skills activity every Friday.
We received these lovely feathers from and I decided we should use them to make some cute little play dough birds – and work on some fine motor skills at the same time! The play dough is homemade: a mix of a regular recipe and the herb and spice dough we made recently. I cut some yellow straws into small pieces for feet and cut some triangles from craft foam for beaks.
I made one bird in advance to show my son what we would be making.
Then he watched me make another bird and saw how it was done. Then it was his turn! He needed a good pincer grasp to pick up and place the smaller pieces. He wanted lots of legs on his bird for some reason!

The colours of the feathers are so bright and vibrant – they really make these birds look beautiful!

[bctt tweet=”These #playdough birds are fun to make and also work on #finemotor skills!”]
Need help making your own homemade play dough? Watch our video!
Check out these other great fine motor skills activities!