This sunset art for kids uses watercolour paints to create a gorgeous effect.
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I was inspired to make this beautiful sunset picture with my son after receiving a copy of Where You Go, I Go from our friends at Parragon Books.

The story is all about a mother elephant and her baby elephant, and how they do everything together. It is beautifully illustrated and my son really enjoyed it, although he was a little concerned by the end that there had been no mention of the daddy elephant!

I wanted to make some kind of art with him that incorporated the spirit of the book. I decided on a silhouette style picture – my son would make the background and I would add the silhouettes afterwards. I set out yellow and red liquid watercolours, a big brush, a piece of watercolour paper and some water. He randomly added paint to the paper – ignoring my suggestions to make horizontal sweeps with the brush. 🙂
He added way more water than I would have done – but I think he got a better effect for doing so!
After the paint had dried, I made some silhouettes of an adult and baby elephant. I got the images from and printed them out onto white card. If you don’t want to use that much black ink, you could print it out in draft form, cut it out and trace it onto black card instead.
The images were a little bit fiddly so you’ll need some precision scissors if you use the same silhouettes that I did!
I cut a strip of black card for the ground and F helped me glue it on to the base of his painting. Then I glued on the two elephants. We were both really pleased with the finished result!
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