Nearly all our art and crafts activities take place at the kitchen table, so I thought I would mix it up a little by working on this sticky wall art in the living room.
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I cut out a large piece of contact paper, removed the backing and taped it to the wall, sticky side out. I then set out a bowl of items to stick on (feathers, foam shapes, buttons, googly eyes, mini pompoms, straws, cut-up pipe cleaners etc).
Note: If your child puts everything in its mouth you’ll want to make sure nothing is too small – one of the benefits of this activity is that they can go to it when they want, which means they may not always be 100% supervised.
F enjoyed searching through the bowl and checking out all the different pieces. He happily started sticking items to the contact paper. The pompoms didn’t really stick for some reason, so I surreptitiously removed them.
Here’s the bigger picture with his artwork “washing line” hanging above him. He looks so little!

Well you get the idea by now! Each day he’d go back to the collage several times, change it around and add things. I don’t see any reason to take it down yet – it’s such great open ended play.
[bctt tweet=”Sticky Wall Art for Toddlers – a fun process art activity! #toddlers #processart”]