Did you know that you can make jelly bean play dough? It smells fantastic!
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Easter is such a fun time of year, with all the fantastic colours and the whole outdoor world coming to life. It is also a time for indulging in some delicious seasonal candy.
Recently I found some Wonka Laffy Taffy Jelly Beans – I am a huge fan of Wonka candy and couldn’t resist. The flavors are grape, banana, cherry and apple. The smell reminded me of scented play dough – so I decided to make some jelly bean play dough! That’s just the way my mind works. 🙂
Preparing the Jelly Beans
I sorted the jelly beans by colour (after consuming several for quality control purposes) – and placed them in microwavable bowls.
I added ½ cup water to each bowl and cooked it on high in the microwave for 1½ minutes until all the colour from the beans had dissolved into the water. I strained the beans and discarded them, reserving the water – I wanted that wonderful scent and color, not the actual bean!!
Making the play dough
Ingredients (to make one colour of jelly bean play dough):
- ½ cup AP flour (plain flour)
- ½ cup reserved water from melting jelly beans as above
- 2 tbs salt
- 1 tsp cream of tartar

The play dough has a lovely soft texture and is not sticky at all. I love the pretty Easter colors and the amazing scent – particularly the grape and cherry!
Note: Technically this play dough is edible, but I wouldn’t recommend it as it doesn’t taste very good!