Make these easy footprint butterflies for pretty childhood keepsakes.

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I’ll be honest. Making painty footprints scares me. So here’s how I managed to make these cute footprint butterflies with minimal mess!
The key to this craft is being organised. So I make sure I have the following ready to go:
- Paper plate or paint tray with selection of paints
- Foam brush
- Baby wipes/damp kitchen paper
- White paper
Then I wait until my son is busy with another activity – strapped into the high chair eating or playing with dough are my favourite times. The idea being that he won’t wander off with a painted foot.
To make the butterflies I only paint one of his feet. I brush on the paint, then press the paper to his foot. I lift the paper away, grab the baby wipes and clean off the paint. And breathe.
While the paint is still wet I fold the paper in half and press firmly to make a mirror image of the painted foot print, to form the wings of the butterfly.

When the paint is dry I add details.
I know that some people who are braver than me would laugh at the lengths I go to to reduce the mess, but it suits me, especially for a quick project with minimum clean up! Here are some more that we have made this way:
We used this same technique to make handprint butterflies. See here for the whole ABC of animal handprints!