What kind of crafty mom are YOU? Have some fun working out which type you are!
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Do any of these types of crafty mom sound familiar? Let me know which one you are! And if you’re a crafty dad – feel free to let me know too! 🙂
The Refuser
Crafts? No way. Too messy. They can do that at daycare/school/someone else’s house.
Image source: Clker.com
The Dabbler
Well… we have some crayons, marker pens and paper… and a small pot of play doh that we got as a party favor…
The Wannabe
I *love* Pinterest. I repin SO many awesome crafts. Do any of them? Oh no, I never have time to actually do them.
The Follower
There are some seriously cool kids craft blogs out there. I love making crafts that they recommend, but rarely try anything new.
The Carefree
Paint? Glue? Mess? Bring it on! They’re kids, I just let them create. Who cares about the finished product if they’re enjoying themselves?
photo credit: Jesse, Rowan, and Vigo painting via photopin (license)
The Perfectionist
I really enjoy doing crafts with my kids as long as they do it *right*. I often find myself finishing off something they’ve started just to help them out.
The Expert
So, that’s my homemade scented play dough made, the parts for the pipe cleaner ladybug craft all prepped, and the birthday card templates all printed out and ready to go. Have I got time to start writing my own crafty mom blog?