Congratulations on twins! Finding out you’re expecting twins can be exciting, overwhelming, and scary all at the same time. While having twins will bring double the joy and love to your family, it also comes with its own unique set of challenges, especially during the early days. This guide will provide helpful tips and advice for expecting and new parents of twins to help you navigate the first few months.

Preparing Your Home
When expecting twins, it’s important to start preparing your home as early as possible. You’ll need double of many items, so take stock of what baby gear you already have from previous children and make a list of everything else you’ll need to accommodate two babies.
Research what products like cribs, car seats, strollers, etc. are best for twins and safe for newborns. Look for any space-saving or multi-functional items that allow you to avoid buying two of everything. For example, many parents opt for one crib that converts into two beds later on.
Given all the extra baby gear, clutter will be inevitable. Get ahead of it by clearing out any unnecessary items and organising closets, nurseries, and storage spaces. Consider keeping everyday essentials like nappies, wipes, blankets, and an extra change of clothes in each room for easy access and convenience.
Building Your Support System
Raising twins is hard work, especially with two newborns who both need to be fed, changed, and comforted around the clock. You’ll need all the help you can get, so start creating your support system early.
If you have a partner, talk about how you both envision dividing responsibilities both in the hospital and once you’re home. Don’t be afraid to ask family and friends for help with meals, childcare, errands, etc. in those first few hectic weeks. Many people are happy to pitch in, they just need to know what you need.
Consider hiring a postpartum doula who specialises in caring for families with multiples. Their expertise and extra set of hands can provide new twin parents much-needed rest and reassurance. A used iPhone 14 with a good camera could also come in handy for capturing photos and videos of those precious early days.
Preparing Older Siblings
For those with older children already, it’s important to start getting them excited about the twins’ arrival and involved in preparations. Simple ways to help them feel included are letting them decorate the nursery, pick out special “big sibling” gifts for them to give the babies, and practice holding baby dolls.
Stocking Up on Essentials
From nappies and wipes to burp cloths and formula, you’ll go through baby essentials twice as fast with twins, so stock up! Take advantage of coupons, bulk discounts, and membership shopping clubs.
Creating Feeding and Sleeping Schedules
Establishing structured feeding and sleeping schedules as early as possible is key to survival with newborn twins. Work with your partner to coordinate feedings so you can feed both babies at the same time. This allows you to rest between feedings.
Keep the babies on the same sleep schedule by waking the twin who falls asleep first when it’s time to eat again. Letting one sleep while feeding the other is tempting but will make your life harder in the long run. Consistent routines with both babies will help them eventually sleep at the same times.
Accepting Help From Others
Sleep deprivation and round-the-clock care of two babies can quickly lead to burnout. Accept any and all offers of help from trusted family, friends, and postpartum professionals – you don’t have to do it all yourself!
Staying Connected with Your Partner
Bringing twins home is an enormous adjustment that can strain any relationship. Make time for each other when possible. Check in frequently about how the other is holding up. Share the ups and downs you experience so neither partner feels like they’re handling it alone.
Do small things to stay connected, whether it’s enjoying coffee together in the morning before the chaos begins, splitting responsibilities to have one-on-one time with each baby daily, or establishing a date night routine where you get out of the house together regularly, even if just for an hour or two. Foster intimacy and partnership in whatever ways you can.
Having twins is an incredible blessing, although the first weeks home will certainly have moments of feeling completely overwhelmed. Keep in mind the difficulties at this stage are temporary. The sense of accomplishment from nurturing two new lives at once and watching your twins grow and thrive will make it all worthwhile.